Thursday, June 24, 2010
♥ Confusion
Hello, been absent for so long. I had been busy with the university entrance stuffs, and, alhamdulillah, I have been successfully accepted in my dream faculty, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga via PMDK Prestasi like the one I've been dreaming for :-)
By the way, I am now free. Free of school assignments, free of school subjects, but that does not mean I'm free of probs. With this loneliness (been like 2 months doing hardly nothing with no one), I sometimes feel the school-sick. I miss the times when me and my classmates having quality time, doing assignments or just joking. You know when everybody say 'You will miss the high school moments', you just really will. You will miss the times when you cuddle your friends, celebrate mate's birthday in the class, skipping class, and others. You just won't find that moments once you enter the college/university.
Done with sendu-senduan, how are you doing readers? How is your report? :-) Missing you a lot *dance*
Alright then, when I have finally decided what topic I shall post, I will post that. Fast. Now time to go, gotta do some workouts :-) see you later readers
By the way, I am now free. Free of school assignments, free of school subjects, but that does not mean I'm free of probs. With this loneliness (been like 2 months doing hardly nothing with no one), I sometimes feel the school-sick. I miss the times when me and my classmates having quality time, doing assignments or just joking. You know when everybody say 'You will miss the high school moments', you just really will. You will miss the times when you cuddle your friends, celebrate mate's birthday in the class, skipping class, and others. You just won't find that moments once you enter the college/university.
Done with sendu-senduan, how are you doing readers? How is your report? :-) Missing you a lot *dance*
Alright then, when I have finally decided what topic I shall post, I will post that. Fast. Now time to go, gotta do some workouts :-) see you later readers
Labels: miscellaneous, ordinary daily posts, vacation
1:32 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
♥ My comeback :)
Hey there fellas, how long have I left you all? Whaaat? 4 months? Really? Hahahaha I'm sorry for my late post, I've been more busy these days, as the final exam is just...WHAT!!..two more months? Gosh how could times goes this fast!
You know I now spend my weekdays with courses and fortunately I still have my weekend even though some (most) of them is spent with doing tryouts, jeez.
Heeey haven't I told you that last two weeks my class were having photo session? Yes, it was in Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Pasuruan. The dresscode is white for girls and black tuxedo for boys. We went there by four or five cars and arrived there approximately at 9 a.m. Here are some photos, but it was taken by Elmo, kaing's camera, while the other better photos are still in mazrobby and mas ari.
my bests minus enji (do I look tall? haha)
girls minus enji and ze
left-right: zafira, viga, ste, edwin, enji, ze, me
someone said this scene looks like FRIENDS casts lol
you will never belive this picture lmao
edgar acts like he's ketchup-drunk (what?)
this is my classmate that has many fans out there, is he cute or something? I just don't get it
we love you Stefanie Anggadita Wijaya :)
You know I now spend my weekdays with courses and fortunately I still have my weekend even though some (most) of them is spent with doing tryouts, jeez.
Heeey haven't I told you that last two weeks my class were having photo session? Yes, it was in Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Pasuruan. The dresscode is white for girls and black tuxedo for boys. We went there by four or five cars and arrived there approximately at 9 a.m. Here are some photos, but it was taken by Elmo, kaing's camera, while the other better photos are still in mazrobby and mas ari.
my bests minus enji (do I look tall? haha)
girls minus enji and ze
left-right: zafira, viga, ste, edwin, enji, ze, me
someone said this scene looks like FRIENDS casts lol
you will never belive this picture lmao
It's been so common that my boy classmates are sooooo crazy. You will find this only at #ras1s
edgar acts like he's ketchup-drunk (what?)
this is my classmate that has many fans out there, is he cute or something? I just don't get it
Oh yeah one more, I forget to tell you that the photo session day is Ste's 17th birthdaaaaay :D kaing, enji, ze, and me had prepared common surprise for her, a small cake bought at Superindo (as always) lol. Also, the unforgettable surprise from God that day, she has passed PPKB Universitas Indonesia at Management. Happy 17th birthday baby :D
we love you Stefanie Anggadita Wijaya :)
Labels: cerita cinta, vacation
5:50 PM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
♥ Scrambled
ga tau nih mau nulis apa ,lagi bener" ga ada topik hehe.
ah iya, ak br selesai UAS minggu lalu, dan yah walau rada gimana gitu tapi overall semuanya lancar terkendali. Alhamdulillah, ak ga dapet remidi (Biologi ga diitung secara dua kelas yg diajar guru yg sama selalu remidi). terima rapor tanggal 26/27, moga aja masih bisa bagus kaya kemaren, atau bahkan lebih bagus. amiiin (:
minggu ini, minggu-minggu terakhir kenikmatan kelas 11, dan aku merasa boring. boring ga ada kerjaan di sekolah, boring ngemall terus pulangnya, boring liat anak-anak kelas yang tambah gila, hehe. ak pengen liburan, bareng sekelas gitu. seru deh kayanya, apalagi anak kelasku ga ada yang waras haha.
tentang liburan, papa mama malah sibuk kerja ditengah kekosongan waktuku. ya otomatis ga ada acara pergi pas liburan. tapi, sebelum dan sesudahnya. haha. ya mungkin ak bolos di awal kelas 12ku (amin). temen-temenku, udah punya jadwal sendiri liburan ini. ada yang ke Bali, going abroad, Jakarta, Malang, bahkan ada yang mengagendakan les fisika. kalo yang terakhir baru kurang kerjaan.
ah asik kali ya kalo liburan diisi dengan kegiatan yang bener-bener menghibur, apalagi selepas liburan ak udah kelas 12. kelas penuh tekanan dan penderitaan (lebay mode on). kalo liat orang" sih banyak yg bilang kl kelas 12 itu nyusahin, tapi ada yg bilang biasa aja (yang ini orang yang ga punya perasaan). iyalah, kls 12 lebih berat drpd kelas 9 dulu. kalo kelas 9 sih cuma fokus unas, nah kl kelas 12 kan kudu cari kuliah juga, banyak tes masuk universitas juga yang jumlahnya ga cuma satu. nah itu juga yang susah, mana ada beberapa--jutaan--orang yang blm dapet kuliah padahal udah lulus gitu. ikut SNMPTN juga saingannya banyak mameeen. ga nguatin lah pokoknya. tapi ada juga yang bahkan dr awal taun udah dapet kuliah, lewat japres biasanya. ya semoga saja aku bisa dapet lewat japres juga, amiiiin (:
sek, kayanya dari awal sampe akhir ga nyambung. yaudah wes, makasih udah baca, maaf kalo ga nyambung. hehe. happy holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (:
ah iya, ak br selesai UAS minggu lalu, dan yah walau rada gimana gitu tapi overall semuanya lancar terkendali. Alhamdulillah, ak ga dapet remidi (Biologi ga diitung secara dua kelas yg diajar guru yg sama selalu remidi). terima rapor tanggal 26/27, moga aja masih bisa bagus kaya kemaren, atau bahkan lebih bagus. amiiin (:
minggu ini, minggu-minggu terakhir kenikmatan kelas 11, dan aku merasa boring. boring ga ada kerjaan di sekolah, boring ngemall terus pulangnya, boring liat anak-anak kelas yang tambah gila, hehe. ak pengen liburan, bareng sekelas gitu. seru deh kayanya, apalagi anak kelasku ga ada yang waras haha.
tentang liburan, papa mama malah sibuk kerja ditengah kekosongan waktuku. ya otomatis ga ada acara pergi pas liburan. tapi, sebelum dan sesudahnya. haha. ya mungkin ak bolos di awal kelas 12ku (amin). temen-temenku, udah punya jadwal sendiri liburan ini. ada yang ke Bali, going abroad, Jakarta, Malang, bahkan ada yang mengagendakan les fisika. kalo yang terakhir baru kurang kerjaan.
ah asik kali ya kalo liburan diisi dengan kegiatan yang bener-bener menghibur, apalagi selepas liburan ak udah kelas 12. kelas penuh tekanan dan penderitaan (lebay mode on). kalo liat orang" sih banyak yg bilang kl kelas 12 itu nyusahin, tapi ada yg bilang biasa aja (yang ini orang yang ga punya perasaan). iyalah, kls 12 lebih berat drpd kelas 9 dulu. kalo kelas 9 sih cuma fokus unas, nah kl kelas 12 kan kudu cari kuliah juga, banyak tes masuk universitas juga yang jumlahnya ga cuma satu. nah itu juga yang susah, mana ada beberapa--jutaan--orang yang blm dapet kuliah padahal udah lulus gitu. ikut SNMPTN juga saingannya banyak mameeen. ga nguatin lah pokoknya. tapi ada juga yang bahkan dr awal taun udah dapet kuliah, lewat japres biasanya. ya semoga saja aku bisa dapet lewat japres juga, amiiiin (:
sek, kayanya dari awal sampe akhir ga nyambung. yaudah wes, makasih udah baca, maaf kalo ga nyambung. hehe. happy holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (:
Labels: just so you know, miscellaneous, ordinary daily posts, vacation
4:28 PM
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
♥ My Lovely Trip
after days of what-so-called Student Day (I'd rather call that occasion as "the vacation"), I am finallu back to my hometown. back to where I belong to be. back to the place I spend almost my entire time. back to my problems. I, like many other human being, have inevitably many problems. even you don't see or know how, I succeed on solving some of mine myself, which will make me think that I can be a mature person, and no longer have any nickname of what so-called "childish"
anyway, I was having the best and the greatest time ever in my vacation. well, I went to Jogja with all of my classmates but Viga due to her cannot-be-disturbed business in Kalimantan. oh so well then, we went there on our own by Sancaka train, which we got the ticket at a special rates and also 3 tickets are free *wink*
by the time we reached our destination, we went straight to the hotel on foot. what the hell was that? at first I thought the distance would be approximately 1km, but in fact it was only about 50metres. hehe
shortly after the arrival of ours, we unpacked our clothes in the formerly divided room. I was with my bests, enji, kaing, ze, and ste. it was a very messed up room, as we are not that type of neat girls *sigh*. the rest of the day we went to Ambarrukmo Plaza, having a dinner and watching the unsatisfying movie "Defiance". it finished at 11pm, and there were no transportation left. we decided to take a walk after measuring the distance won't be further than 4km long. in fact, it was about surprisingly 19km and we decided to ride pedicabs in front of Saphir Hotel. every pedicab was filled with 2-3 people and they were paid 15000-20000 each. we got to the hotel at midnight and we decided to go straightly to the bed.
the next day is scheduled to be the most tiring day as we rent a minibus to reach some relatively far tourism objects like Borobudur, Ketep, Merapi, etc. we firstly went to Ketep Pass and we got there at about 7am, it was too early and no one but the officers were there. an advantage it is, as the photo session will not be disturbed by the appearance of others ,hehe .after 2hours exploring the beauty of nature there, we decided to go to the Borobudur, which was not very satisfying as the sun shone bright (too much). also, the lunch there were not offered in affordable price. I were too tired that time, and I almost got my anger burst out when I felt my friends did something wrong. I luckily could manage it though. after that, we went to Beringharjo market where lots of special clothes were offered at very low prices (if you can bargain those). well i bought many things like pants, babydolls, shirts, and bag and i just had to pay less than IDR 100000 for those all. very cheap, wasn't it? after that we got back to the hotel to take a bath and pray. and at night we were going to the Saphir Square as the night before we were excited by the existence of bowling spot there. knowing that there are Ice Skating place also, we directly changed our plan, skating. but unfortunately, the package they offered was too time-taking and we finally decided to take the skating class later. we had our dinner at a restaurant beside the Spahir Square, Lombok Idjo. it was quite good as the price is still affordable unlike ones on Borobudur. we went to bed after having our dinner.
the next day was quite impressive as the main occasion was that day. we visited one faculty each group to get some information abot the faculty itself. my group was Medical Faculty, and it was quite interesting as I touched real bones, saw many abnormal fetus, and watched the baby-bearing process video. I was quite afraid of how the cameraman exposed some vital organs of the woman, but the video was overall fine. once we have finished our main duty, we got back to the hotel to have some rest, and had our lunch in Lombok Idjo--again--after that. the next place to be visited was Prambanan Temple, and it was much more fun than our trip on Borobudur, due to the more friendly sun (: after going to the Prambanan, we went to buy special foods on a place which we do not really know where on Earth it is, and many of us bought unknown foods like bakpia, moci, intip, kripik tempe, etc. and we went back to the hotel after that. we had our dinner at Lombok Idjo again and we went to the hotel after that.
the last day, was confusing. someone was calling and he said that he wanted to see me. well, it was not a bad thing and my bests said that I should allow him, then I did. he came at 9pm, taking me back to Prambanan as we left our ID there, and I met my other friends who invited me to come to a birthday party at 1pm on villa crepes. well, driven by him, I attended the party. it was fun as I didn't see him again once I met my old friends who invited me. realizing that the train of mine would depart on 4pm, I was told to be back to the hotel at 3pm, and I was quite late as I couldn't find someone taking me back to the hotel. but my friends didn't leave me luckily. hehe. my train departed at 430pm and arrived at surabaya at 1030pm. tiring though it was, i enjoyed that.
the trip was over once we arrived Surabaya, our family were all there to take us back home. and I think I'm gonna miss another trip like this. now I want a trip to Bali D: with all 27 classmates of mine join the trip D:
anyway, I was having the best and the greatest time ever in my vacation. well, I went to Jogja with all of my classmates but Viga due to her cannot-be-disturbed business in Kalimantan. oh so well then, we went there on our own by Sancaka train, which we got the ticket at a special rates and also 3 tickets are free *wink*
by the time we reached our destination, we went straight to the hotel on foot. what the hell was that? at first I thought the distance would be approximately 1km, but in fact it was only about 50metres. hehe
shortly after the arrival of ours, we unpacked our clothes in the formerly divided room. I was with my bests, enji, kaing, ze, and ste. it was a very messed up room, as we are not that type of neat girls *sigh*. the rest of the day we went to Ambarrukmo Plaza, having a dinner and watching the unsatisfying movie "Defiance". it finished at 11pm, and there were no transportation left. we decided to take a walk after measuring the distance won't be further than 4km long. in fact, it was about surprisingly 19km and we decided to ride pedicabs in front of Saphir Hotel. every pedicab was filled with 2-3 people and they were paid 15000-20000 each. we got to the hotel at midnight and we decided to go straightly to the bed.
the next day is scheduled to be the most tiring day as we rent a minibus to reach some relatively far tourism objects like Borobudur, Ketep, Merapi, etc. we firstly went to Ketep Pass and we got there at about 7am, it was too early and no one but the officers were there. an advantage it is, as the photo session will not be disturbed by the appearance of others ,hehe .after 2hours exploring the beauty of nature there, we decided to go to the Borobudur, which was not very satisfying as the sun shone bright (too much). also, the lunch there were not offered in affordable price. I were too tired that time, and I almost got my anger burst out when I felt my friends did something wrong. I luckily could manage it though. after that, we went to Beringharjo market where lots of special clothes were offered at very low prices (if you can bargain those). well i bought many things like pants, babydolls, shirts, and bag and i just had to pay less than IDR 100000 for those all. very cheap, wasn't it? after that we got back to the hotel to take a bath and pray. and at night we were going to the Saphir Square as the night before we were excited by the existence of bowling spot there. knowing that there are Ice Skating place also, we directly changed our plan, skating. but unfortunately, the package they offered was too time-taking and we finally decided to take the skating class later. we had our dinner at a restaurant beside the Spahir Square, Lombok Idjo. it was quite good as the price is still affordable unlike ones on Borobudur. we went to bed after having our dinner.
the next day was quite impressive as the main occasion was that day. we visited one faculty each group to get some information abot the faculty itself. my group was Medical Faculty, and it was quite interesting as I touched real bones, saw many abnormal fetus, and watched the baby-bearing process video. I was quite afraid of how the cameraman exposed some vital organs of the woman, but the video was overall fine. once we have finished our main duty, we got back to the hotel to have some rest, and had our lunch in Lombok Idjo--again--after that. the next place to be visited was Prambanan Temple, and it was much more fun than our trip on Borobudur, due to the more friendly sun (: after going to the Prambanan, we went to buy special foods on a place which we do not really know where on Earth it is, and many of us bought unknown foods like bakpia, moci, intip, kripik tempe, etc. and we went back to the hotel after that. we had our dinner at Lombok Idjo again and we went to the hotel after that.
the last day, was confusing. someone was calling and he said that he wanted to see me. well, it was not a bad thing and my bests said that I should allow him, then I did. he came at 9pm, taking me back to Prambanan as we left our ID there, and I met my other friends who invited me to come to a birthday party at 1pm on villa crepes. well, driven by him, I attended the party. it was fun as I didn't see him again once I met my old friends who invited me. realizing that the train of mine would depart on 4pm, I was told to be back to the hotel at 3pm, and I was quite late as I couldn't find someone taking me back to the hotel. but my friends didn't leave me luckily. hehe. my train departed at 430pm and arrived at surabaya at 1030pm. tiring though it was, i enjoyed that.
the trip was over once we arrived Surabaya, our family were all there to take us back home. and I think I'm gonna miss another trip like this. now I want a trip to Bali D: with all 27 classmates of mine join the trip D:
Labels: miscellaneous, ordinary daily posts, vacation
3:22 PM