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Thursday, June 24, 2010

♥ Confusion

Hello, been absent for so long. I had been busy with the university entrance stuffs, and, alhamdulillah, I have been successfully accepted in my dream faculty, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga via PMDK Prestasi like the one I've been dreaming for :-)

By the way, I am now free. Free of school assignments, free of school subjects, but that does not mean I'm free of probs. With this loneliness (been like 2 months doing hardly nothing with no one), I sometimes feel the school-sick. I miss the times when me and my classmates having quality time, doing assignments or just joking. You know when everybody say 'You will miss the high school moments', you just really will. You will miss the times when you cuddle your friends, celebrate mate's birthday in the class, skipping class, and others. You just won't find that moments once you enter the college/university.

Done with sendu-senduan, how are you doing readers? How is your report? :-) Missing you a lot *dance*

Alright then, when I have finally decided what topic I shall post, I will post that. Fast. Now time to go, gotta do some workouts :-) see you later readers

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It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
1:32 PM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

♥ 10 Things that Can Make Me Happy

I got this from teta, actually I don't know what to do haha.
Maybe I just have to write what 10 things that can make me happy, these days or on the future :)
Well, what to start?

1. My supersweet family

2. My beloved bests RAS1S

3. Ain't no other man but Arif Fauzi

4. My BOLD :)

5. Passing UNAS 2010 with flying colours (amin ya Allah)



8. Build a better and more comfy house for my parents and my grandparents

9. In 7-8years later, married to Arif Fauzi, then build a sakinah mawaddah warohmah family :)

10. Going HAJJ with my parents, Arif Fauzi, and his parents too, amin

oh ya, I'll pass this to Viga, Firda, and Chii

It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
10:05 AM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

♥ Sitewalking

Hey if you have time, check this site. It's still under construction though, but I'll tell you what, it's 100% created by Fauzi Arif
I think it's coooooool, how about you? :)

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It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
3:31 PM

♥ Determination

I am determined to enter MEDICAL FACULTY OF AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY, via PMDK PRESTASI. I know it's kind of impossible and you guys can laugh at me, but I will do it.

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It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
3:08 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

♥ My comeback :)

Hey there fellas, how long have I left you all? Whaaat? 4 months? Really? Hahahaha I'm sorry for my late post, I've been more busy these days, as the final exam is just...WHAT!!..two more months? Gosh how could times goes this fast!

You know I now spend my weekdays with courses and fortunately I still have my weekend even though some (most) of them is spent with doing tryouts, jeez.

Heeey haven't I told you that last two weeks my class were having photo session? Yes, it was in Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Pasuruan. The dresscode is white for girls and black tuxedo for boys. We went there by four or five cars and arrived there approximately at 9 a.m. Here are some photos, but it was taken by Elmo, kaing's camera, while the other better photos are still in mazrobby and mas ari.

looks like prewed photos right? :p

left-right:zafira, teta, dijan, viga, ciz

look at ilham, he's holding the guitar :)

left-right: zafira, me, kaing, ste, edwin, half eci

my bests minus enji (do I look tall? haha)

girls minus enji and ze

left-right: zafira, viga, ste, edwin, enji, ze, me

someone said this scene looks like FRIENDS casts lol

you will never belive this picture lmao

It's been so common that my boy classmates are sooooo crazy. You will find this only at #ras1s

edgar acts like he's ketchup-drunk (what?)

this is my classmate that has many fans out there, is he cute or something? I just don't get it

Oh yeah one more, I forget to tell you that the photo session day is Ste's 17th birthdaaaaay :D kaing, enji, ze, and me had prepared common surprise for her, a small cake bought at Superindo (as always) lol. Also, the unforgettable surprise from God that day, she has passed PPKB Universitas Indonesia at Management. Happy 17th birthday baby :D

we love you Stefanie Anggadita Wijaya :)

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It is as proper to have pride in oneself as it is ridiculous to show it to others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
5:50 PM


    simple, childish, innocent, you name it.

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